Usually caused by contractures for various causes, muscle aches are extremely annoying and debilitating ailments that plague people both day and night.

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When muscular work occurs in a physiological way, it involves a harmonious alternation between contraction (during the activity phase) and relaxation (during the rest phase).

In fact, while performing a physical action, the muscle consumes a significant amount of energy, which must then be restored during the recovery period (rest).

If there is an imbalance between these two phases due to excessive fatigue or trauma, muscle pain usually occurs in the form of a more or less intense cramp, but still very debilitating.

A painful muscle is unable to function as the entire biological mechanism of contraction / relaxation is modified and the contractile proteins can no longer function.

It may happen that this condition is worsened by the overlap of tendonitis, consisting in the inflammation of those filaments (tendons) that connect the muscles to the bones.

Disorders of this kind usually result from too intense or prolonged physical activity, from trauma, or from a lack of minerals, the role of which is essential in maintaining healthy muscle tissue.

In case of myalgia, in addition to being very painful, the muscle is hard to the touch and fails to loosen the contracture which tends to last over time and which is the trigger for pain.

Muscle tearing, another cause of the onset of myalgia, instead it depends on a stretching of the fibers caused by inadequate movement, a rather frequent condition among athletes.

Excessive muscle fatigue, too, responsible for the synthesis of lactic acid, it helps to trigger painful crises in the affected muscles.

What is meant by muscle inflammation

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Muscle inflammation (myositis) consists of a morbid condition in which the muscle fibers have been overexcited due to a pathogen of various kinds.

Initially it arises in a rather subtle and almost unnoticeable way, with a feeling of generalized weakness (widespread asthenia) and difficulty in performing certain movements.

Only later does myositis take on more typical characteristics, due to the onset of pain with each movement connected to the affected muscle.

It may therefore happen that it is not possible to raise an arm even a little, or that it is not possible to move a leg during normal walking.

In these cases it is very likely that some muscle fibers are inflamed and consequently unable to function. 

When it is neglected, myositis can have extremely worrying consequences as the affected muscle can undergo progressive atrophy with total loss of its functionality.

The disorder mainly affects the musculature voluntary neck, shoulders, arms and legs, on which it exerts a very limited action on muscle tone. 

Through adequate diagnostic investigations it is possible to observe that inflamed muscles also decrease in volume precisely because they are progressively deprived of their physiological muscle tone.

In most cases, myositis is idiopathic (with no identifiable causes), although there are infectious forms caused mainly by bacteria or viruses, as well as resulting from diseases such as lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis, myasthenia and some cancers.

Finally, it must be borne in mind that this disorder can also arise following the prolonged intake of certain drugs.

For each ailment we always recommend a visit to your doctor for advice on the way to go and a possible specialist.

Importance of night rest in case of myositis

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Muscles, like all other organs in the body, show the need to recharge, to recover the energy spent during their activity; this phenomenon is even more essential when they are in a morbid state, caused by inflammation, or by painful syndromes.

During the night's rest, the muscles relax (as he does not have to make any movement) and consequently is able to restore the ideal conditions for his work.

In cases where a muscle is inflamed or painful it is even more important that rest is achieved in optimal conditions, just to allow the metabolism to recover functionality.

For these reasons it is essential to move towards a ergonomic network-mattress system, whose role is to support the body while maintaining its anatomical structure correctly.

In a horizontal position and without any physical stress, the muscles tend to relax and recharge with energy through complex metabolic reactions.

The latest generation mattresses are designed to selectively support the body, discriminating between the various anatomical parts, since some (such as the back) require more support and others less.

Thanks to their special conformation, these mattresses therefore guarantee an ideal and personalized support to the various sections of the body, offering perfect support for muscles and well-being.

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