The frenzy of modern society, unbridled consumerism, the desire to possess many things, often useless, only to appear or to conform to the mass, leads us to give less importance to what actually makes us live better and is performing for our psychophysical well-being.

buon materasso benessere

If on the one hand we are able to spend absurd amounts with a light heart on smartphones, watches, clothes, accessories and cars, on the other hand we are willing to sacrifice the expense for the purchase of items that are essential for our health.

For example, how much we are willing to invest in the purchase of a bed system to improve the quality of our rest, especially thinking about it in bed do we spend a third of our existence?

The mattress, together with the other elements of the bed, it is an investment to be able to rest well and face the days in a more energetic, active and proactive way.
The life span of a mattress is around 6 years and during this period must be able to ensure proper sleep, it follows that the raw materials of which it is composed and the manufacture must be excellent.

C.Here are some details that should be checked when looking for a mattress.

A removable mattress it has the advantage of being able to sanitize it through adequate washing whenever the need arises.

However, these items must still be protected inside by a second lining (always made of high quality material) which not only represents further protection, but also regulates the microclimate and allows them to be used even when the outer lining is being washed.

The seams must be solidand both inside and outside, exactly like the edging, in order to ensure greater durability over the years.

It must be remembered that physiological characteristics change from person to person and they can also vary over the course of life.

The elements that complete a bed, in addition to the mattress, are the network and the pillow.

We produce a wide variety of these elements able to satisfy the most varied needs with their characteristics.

It must be emphasized that if a person requires a motorized bed base, he must necessarily combine it with an ergonomic mattress that you complete it.

In our internal laboratory we make amortized slatted bases, mattresses with differentiated support, mattresses with pocket springs, latex, viscoelastic and memory foam, hypoallergenic products. It is up to the individual to choose what best suits their rest.


Sleep is a precious asset for the body because it assists the brain in the elimination of toxins, in epidermal cell and tissue regeneration, as well as making us more lucid and reactive during the day.

So it is very important that the bedding allows a correct alternation between sleep and wakefulness so that this does not affect everyday life with deficits in terms of physical and mental fatigue, in addition to possible postural pains.

The discussion becomes even more delicate if we consider categories such as the elderly and children where, in addition to the correct posture during the night, which avoids ailments deriving from wrong positions, one must think of a more fragile or developing bone and muscle structure.

The lines of mattresses dedicated to the elderly or disabled are equated to real ones medical devices which allow those entitled to tax deductions, as required by the legislation for health costs. The product range includes orthopedic, anti-decubitus and electric mattresses for bedridden patients.

Nor should we underestimate mites, bacteria and viruses which tend to nestle easily inside pillows and mattresses and play a negative role for people's health, so it is important to choose hypoallergenic products and fabrics with antibacterial treatments.

In a historical moment in which life has become particularly hectic and stressful for everyone, it takes on great importance the quality of what we choose to go to bed in the evening, rest and recharge our batteries.

The fatigue that comes from the frenzied rhythms of our days, from stress, from anxiety, from the succession of problems and unforeseen events deserves to be supported by the quality of a good bed and a good sleep, in order to preserve our state of health and a psychological balance.

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